
My Family ‘RAIN Story’ | 我与太太的『天雨故事』 8 years Migraine Problem , Dry Skin , Prostate Problem. How I 'met' RAIN? I stayed at my friend's house at KL for my vacation. I don't like supplement food. And I don't even know this is a Nutrition Food. The reason I drink RAIN SOUL only just because the Soul Packing is Simple Easy. Without my intention , I found out my 8 years Migraine , Dry Skin , and Prostate Problem had slowly gone. Wish that my testimonial will encourage more people to try RAIN Soul . Welcome anyone to give me a call , so i can share more about how my friend love to drink RAIN . Thanks and GOD BLESS YOU. 偏头痛问题 : 第一次接触'RAIN' 天雨 是我出门旅行,住在吉隆坡朋友家时候。他用RAIN来招待我们。 5 个晚上我都饮用了 RAIN 。 回家后,突然发现我一直以来 ‘嗅’ 到油烟味/香烟味的我,头,竟然不疼痛与头晕了。原本还以为是心理作用。结果十来天时间服用另外一位朋友所送我的RAIN后,发现原本以为睡眠/压力造成8年多的偏头痛问题已好了。我很 高兴与我朋友分享。他们尝试也饮用RAIN。逐渐有很多病痛的朋友(例如: 偏头痛,高血压,血管阻塞,皮肤病-湿疹,牛皮藓,油包肝,肠胃问题,失眠问题,压力过大,忧郁症,) 都一一的改善,好转,甚至是痊愈。 很 高兴认识了RAIN过后,感谢营养师的分享- 让我认识【健康4大基石】 - 1运动,2思想态度,3休息,4饮食。也认识了我们身体不单只是需要 【蛋白质PROTEIN】,【矿物质-Mineral】, 还需要最重要的【必须脂肪酸-EFA (Essential Fatty Acids 3 & 6)】。透过这【EFA】补助我的脑问题。 偏头痛才得以解决。 多年皮肤干燥问题 导致 背部皮肤龟裂 ,痒 - 身体,手,脸部 ,头皮削等问题 - 自从22岁之后开始发现皮肤越来越干燥。起初还以为只是天气干燥,就没有多想是怎么样的一回事。当岁月一天天过去,26/7岁后的皮肤干燥干得更加的厉害 了。后来就逐渐的买了很多“好的沐浴露” ,或擦很多的Lotion, 30 岁发现皮肤也一样的干得无比。自从饮用了RainSoul过后,皮肤润滑了~感谢Rain Soul 天雨 补助给我足够的好油 - :)

runtorain rain testimony, rain soul testimony , 天雨元气见证, 中风 stroke, 糖尿病 diabetes,高血压 HBP High Blood Pressure,高胆固醇 High Cholesterol, 癌症 Cancer, 肿瘤 Tumor, 哮喘 Asthma , 湿疹 Eczema, 疲劳 Fatigue, 牛皮藓 Psoriasis, 头疼 Headache Migraine, 忧郁症 Depression, 便秘 Constipation, 荷尔蒙失调 Hormone Imbalance, 细胞衰老 Cell Aging, 关节炎 Arthritis, 贫血 Anemia, 肥胖 Obesity, 肾衰歇 Kidney Failure, 肝炎 Hepatitis, 肺炎 Pneumonia, 手术 Surgery, 痤疮 Pimples, 瘫痪 Paralysis, 营养不良 Malnutrition, 帕金森 Parkinson, 骨质矿物流失 Bone mineral loss, 免疫系统衰歇 Reduced Immune Function, 女性经痛 Female menstrual pain, 男/女性不孕 Miscarriages, 发炎 Inflammation, 前列腺问题 Prostate Problem, and etc...
Weight Loss | 荷尔蒙失调/瘦身的见证 : Mr Derick, 30 years old from Penang, Malaysia lost weight by 40kg in just 4 months...From 135kg to now 85kg . He took Rain Soul 2 sachets and exercised for an hour per day. 曾国云 Chan Kok Hoon From Kulim , Foot Ankle Pain testimony. 脚同的见证
Testimony of Heart Pain and Difficulty breathing Testimony from Stroke 中风 : Ms Vanasree
Video Sharing
Diamond Kelly / Kalin 子宫癌 , 淋巴.Uterine Cancer 中风见证 Rain Soul Testimony Stroke by Amante
Watch "台湾桃源县謝西洋肝癌見證影片" on YouTube - 新见证@台湾台北@肝癌见证 食用天雨产品40天,肝癌得到很好的好转。 医生诊断肝癌只剩三个月,谢先生邻居有喝Rain 元气, 他不敢卖给谢先生,只告诉了谢先生台女那里有卖Rain Soul 元气, 那时Rain 断货,只能买两盒,他一天四包,两星期后一天十二包, 一个多月后,去看医生,医生说肝癌好了。 吓了大家一跳,现在谢先生把见证经过放上youtube 分享。 天雨种子油的对癌症、甜尿、皮肤病、心血管问题都有很好的帮助。 Diagnose have Liver cancer. Only left 3 months Life. After taking rain soul for 4packs per day. After 2 weeks, 12packs per day. After 1month, doctor say the liver cancer is no more. This is a shock testimonial in Taiwan. For more information , CLICK
Alice Daughter : Ms. You Shan Birthday : 27 March 1996 Suffered since kinder-garden (15 years). Paralysis, stomach pain, cough , wrinkles从幼儿园到现在,她不能走路15年。 喝了 Rain Soul 五天过後,她走路了,现在开始学习写了... 十五年的痛苦。谢谢 Rain Soul – 如今可以自己走路了. More Details

More RAIN Stories | 更多『天雨』的故事


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Husband Stroke
Because Of the Rain Soul . Mr Edwin's Father found his diabetes become better and better. 因着Rain Soul,Edwin父亲的糖尿病问题改善了。当面对亲朋戚友也询问其脸色,才发现真­有好转迹象。感谢天雨。 更多详情,可联络: For more Info , call EdwinLai: 014-6868758 Eric: 通常我吃西药,敏感才沒来。那这包东西是不是有西药!?我吓了一下,生气就短讯他说这保健品骗人,这包东西有西药成份,我决定要退货。之后他找了同事打给 我,跟我再次说明,之后一天又见了Asher Chai 保 一次在从新了解,才明白了它RainSoul的功效。感谢天雨Rain Soul MD LAI MIGRAINE赖女士-严重偏头痛
Madam Leong - itchy Skin , back aches , Skin look Brighter Ch'ng Hooi Ling - Diabetes, HIgh Blood Pressure , Stroke Cantonese - Madam Yeoh's Father - Sputum so many , unable to stand up
Emily-Cough & phlegm Angie-Head Injuries , Coma. 脑伤到成植物人,吃了天雨产品后有非常好的反应。 93 Years Old GrandMum-20 years of Heart Pain, Rheumatism, Leg cant walk.
Cantonese-Mdm Liang-膝盖盖问题,脚没有力。 English-很严重的糖尿病和高胆固醇,吃了天雨产品后很好的好转。 From US-Ms.Anita

Cancer | 癌症见证

Mr. Shandy Anwar, 31 years old from Medan, Indonesia.
He suffered from cancer problem near his heart at the age of 19.
He received years of treatment from chemo therapy. And after long medication there were side effects such as water retention, coughing day and night, plus poor blood circulation in his whole body.
After taking Rain Soul for the last 8 months, his body improved a lot and the doctors are reducing his medication.
Ms. Jolin Phang, 34 years old from Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia.
After consuming Rain Soul every morning 2 sachets, afternoon 1 sachet, evening 1 sachet and night before sleeping 2 sachets she was able to lose weight from 64kg to now 54kg within 6 months.
She exercised one hour per day with diet of no rice and always steam fish and vegetables.
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