Health Talk (Video)

Susie Kwok [ Health Begins With You ]


English Part 1 English Part2 English Part3
According to The Nutrition Desk Reference by Dr. Robert Garrison and Dr. Elizabeth Somer, research of Omega-3 showed that it helped vision problems, yeast infections, psoriasis (a skin disease), migraine headaches, and rheumatoid arthritis. What’s more, researches at the Mayo Clinic concluded that Omega-3 supplementation also slows the progression of kidney disease.Are you getting enough EFA’s in your diet? Without EFA’s you could not THINK, SEE, HEAR, REPRODUCE, RUN or even MOVE A MUSCLE. Lacking of Omega-3&6 EFA have been linked to serious health conditions, such as: 根 据Dr. Robert Garrison 与 Dr. Elizabeth Somer 所著的“营养参考表”(The Nutrition Desk Reference), 研究证实Omega3能有效帮助视力问题,酵母菌感染,牛皮藓,偏头疼以及风湿性关节炎。不仅如此,Mayo 诊所的研究结论显示,Omega3 的补充能缓慢肾病的恶化。你是否在饮食中摄取足够的 [必需脂肪酸] (Essential Fatty Acids) – EFA ?缺乏[必需脂肪酸] 将影响您的思考能力,专注力,视力,听觉,生殖能力,甚至全身肌肉的运作。摄取不足的Omega 3&6 [必需脂肪酸] 将导致严重健康症状,例如:
- Eczema and psoriasis - Hair loss, Water loss - Menstrual pain - Reduced immune function - Circulatory disorders - high blood pressure - high blood cholesterol - obesity - diabetes - Miscarriages - Schizophrenia - Abnormal behavioral changes - Behavioral difficulties / physical inactivity - Poor hearing - Impairment of vision - Spread of rheumatic and arthritic disorders - Deteriorating motor coordination - Glandular atrophy, which in turn leads of infertility, growth deficiency and weight disorders - Epilepsy - 皮肤干燥,湿疹,牛皮藓,便秘 - 肝脏和肾脏功能恶化 - 骨质矿物质的流失 - 肥胖/体重过重的风险增加 - 毛发便脆弱或脱落,指甲生长不良。 - 由于大脑功能衰退而导致行为上的变化。 - 糖尿病/内分泌腺枯竭,胰岛素阻抗性。 - 女性严重经痛, 内分泌失调。 - 男/女性不育及女性流产,儿童生长迟缓。 - 前列腺问题,如小便没有力,滴尿。 - 免疫系统衰退,伤口愈合不良, - 发炎,肠道胀气,过敏,自体免疫性疾病。 - 神经退化而出现的上下肢体刺痛感。 - 血壓高/高血脂 - 疲劳,没有活力 - 罹患心血管疾病风险增加(血管阻塞,四肢麻痹,心脏病) - 肺功能降低。 - 视力和学习的障碍。 - 罹患癌症风险增加(癌症发生率)。 - 精神病患的症状增加 - 抗压能力降低

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